WMQFA Legacy Society

Thank you for thinking of us as a part of your legacy. Together, we have made great strides in bringing to life the vision and dreams we have all shared for creating a museum dedicated to fostering fiber arts, preserving our time-honored traditions, and educating future generations of fiber artists and appreciators. Your planned gift or bequest ensures this legacy lives on into the future.

Legacy Society Purpose: To encourage those who share our passion for the museum and its mission make a bequest of income or property to the museum for its continued success. 

To become a member of the WMQFA Legacy Society, you need to take two steps:

(1)     Provide for the WMQFA in your will or afterlife documents.  This could include bequests of monetary or physical property, designation of the WMQFA as the beneficiary of one or more of your financial accounts (such as IRAs, trusts, life insurance policies, stocks), etc.

(2)     Sign and return the attached document, signifying to the WMQFA that you have made this provision.

We hope that the creation of the WMQFA Legacy Society will prompt you to update your will or trust and consider the specific treasures and/or financial support you might wish to provide to the museum. 

Questions? Please contact Melissa Wraalstad, 262-546-0300 x101 / Director@wiquiltmuseum.com